ASP.NET Core 8 MVC Online Training

What is ASP.NET Core

ASP.NET Core is a free and open-source web application framework created by Microsoft for building modern web applications. It is a cross-platform framework that can run on Windows, macOS, and Linux. The framework is designed to provide high-performance and scalable web applications, with a modular and flexible architecture that enables developers to build and deploy web applications quickly and efficiently.

Another important aspect of ASP.NET Core is its support for dependency injection, which helps to simplify the management of application dependencies and reduce the complexity of code. This makes it easier to test, maintain, and update web applications over time. Additionally, ASP.NET Core includes a wide range of built-in features and middleware components that help to enhance the security, performance, and reliability of web applications, including support for authentication and authorization, caching, and logging.


Basic programming concepts

You should have a good understanding of programming concepts like variables, data types, conditional statements, loops, and functions.

C# programming language

ASP.NET Core is built using the C# programming language, so you should have a good understanding of the language syntax, data types, and features like LINQ, generics, and asynchronous programming

Web development

You should have a basic understanding of web development concepts like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This will help you understand how web applications work and how they interact with the server.

Duration, Fees & Registration

Fees & Registration

₹ 26,500/-

$ 318 USD

Enroll now.
Course Duration

  • Duration: 20+ Days

  • 1 hour session via Zoom

  • Mon to Thu/Sat to Sun

Payment Mode

  • PayPal

  • Xoom

  • Bank Wire Transfer

  • UPI (India)

Who should join this course

Beginners and Newbies

  • Fresh Graduates with Passion to learn programming

  • Fresh Graduates with Computer Science background

  • Junior Software Developers

Front-End & UI/UX

  • Web Designers

  • Graphic Designers

  • Front-End Developers

Experienced Professionals

  • Senior Software Developers

  • IT Managers

  • Team Leads

  • Database Administrators

About the Instructor

Abhishek Rajiv Luv

.NET & ASP.NET Online Instructor

Abhishek Luv is a skilled .NET and ASP.NET Trainer with more than 7 years of teaching experience, specializing in C#, ASP.NET Core MVC, Entity Framework Core, Visual Studio, LINQ, Repository and Unit of work pattern, ASP.NET Core Web API, Git and Github, Angular, and more. He has trained students worldwide and is passionate about helping them achieve success in the field.

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ASP.NET Core 8 MVC Online Training Syllabus

  • .NET Core overview
  • .NET Core features
  • Discussing about .NET Core 8 and .NET 4.x
  • Development tools: Visual Studio Community and Visual Studio Code
  • ASP.NET Core overview
  • ASP.NET Core 8 features
  • Benefits of ASP.NET Core 8
  • Understanding .NET CLI
  • Using CLI Commands
  • Creating a new Project using .NET CLI
  • Understanding ASP.NET Core 8 Project templates and Folder Structure
  • Application startup in ASP.NET Core
  • Kestrel: Web Server for ASP.NET Core
  • Middleware and Request Pipeline
  • ASP.NET Core Configuration
  • Serving Static Files in ASP.NET Core
  • Creating Simple ASP.NET Core Application
  • Understanding MVC Design pattern
  • Building the first ASP.NET Core MVC Application
  • Routing in ASP.NET Core
  • Routing Constraints and Attribute Routing
  • Working with Controllers
  • Understanding Action Results, Action Selectors and Action Verbs
  • View Basics
  • Razor View Engine
  • Layouts and Sections
  • Strongly-Typed Views
  • Tag Helpers in ASP.NET Core
  • _ViewStart
  • _ViewImports
  • View Components
  • Creating Custom Tag Helpers
  • Data Passing from Controller to View using ViewBag
  • Data Passing from Controller to View using ViewData
  • Data Passing from Controller to View using TempData
  • Data Passing from Controller to View using Model and ViewModel
  • Understanding HttpGet and HttpPost attribute verbs for Action Methods
  • Understanding Model Binding feature
  • Benefits of Model Binding
  • Accessing Form data in Controller using Model Binding
  • Accessing Form data in Controller using Model Binding with ViewModel
  • Accessing Form data in Controller using Form input fields as parameters in action method
  • Understanding Model and Form Validation in ASP.NET Core MVC
  • Server-Side Validation
  • using Validation attributes from System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations namespace
  • Validation Tag Helpers
  • Client-Side Validation
  • Anonymous Methods
  • Delegates and Lambda Expressions
  • IEnumerable
  • Extension methods
  • Implicitly-typed local variables and Anonymous types
  • LINQ Query operators
  • LINQ keywords and Syntax
  • Understanding what is an ORM
  • Introduction To Entity Framework Core
  • Benefits of Entity Framework Core
  • Entity Framework Core Version History and Feature History
  • Understanding Different approaches of EF Core
  • Getting started with EF Core Code-First approach
  • Downloading and Installing EF Core using Nuget Package Manager Console
  • Understanding DbContextOptions
  • Writing CRUD Data access code using EF Core
  • Using Data Annotation attributes for Data Modeling
  • Using Data Annotation attributes for Validation
  • Using EF Core Fluent API for Data Modeling
  • Overriding OnModelCreating method
  • Overriding OnConfiguring method
  • Creating 1-to-Many relationship using Annotations and Fluent API
  • Creating Many-to-Many relationship using Annotations and Fluent API
  • Understanding the need of EF Core Code-First Migration
  • Seeding the Database
  • Calling Stored Procedures using EF Core
  • Understanding Repository & Unit Of Work pattern, DI & IoC
  • Creating Repository Layer using Interfaces and Concrete classes
  • Managing dependencies using Built-In Dependency Injection in ASP.NET Core
  • ConfigureServices -> IServiceCollection -> Transient, Singleton, Scoped
  • Injecting dependencies using Dependency Injection (Constructor Injection)
  • Using Unit Of Work pattern to commit to the database
  • Introduction To ASP.NET Core Identity
  • Using the Authorize attribute
  • Creating a Custom User using IdentityUser
  • Configuring Identity for ASP.NET Core Web Application
  • Implementing the Register action method
  • Implementing the Login and Logout action method
  • Understanding HTTP Basics
  • API Basics
  • JSON basics
  • Creating Action Methods with GET,POST,PUT, and DELETE
  • Writing CRUD operation methods
  • Using PostMan/Fiddler to Test the API's
  • Implementing Login feature for API's
  • Using JWT Tokens for API

We will be creating a Content Management System(CMS) using ASP.NET Core 8, EF Core 8, and many other technologies. All the topics that are to be covered in project work are listed below:

  • Creating a Multi-Layered Application
  • Creating separate projects for Data, Model, Web
  • Managing package dependencies using Nuget
  • Referencing projects to other projects
  • Using Models and ViewModels
  • Using EF Core Fluent-API for Data Modeling
  • Using EF Core Code-First Migration
  • Generating Repository interfaces and concrete class
  • Creating interface & concrete class for Unit Of Work
  • Managing dependencies using ASP.NET Core: ConfigureServices methods
  • Understanding Lazy & Eager loading in EF Core
  • Disabling Lazy loading and ProxyCreation
  • Using Include method to fetch related data using JOIN Sql Query via Entity Framework Core
  • User and Role Management using ASP.NET Core Identity
  • CMS features: Pages, Sidebars, Menu
  • Using RichTextEditor for Pages,Sidebar
  • Creating Admin area
  • Using Bootstrap to style the Layout file
  • Using LINQ with EF Core
  • Securing ASP.NET Core MVC application: Antiforgery tokens, CSRF, and more..
  • Creating Custom routes with Custom URL patterns
  • Using attribute routing
  • Using Client-Side validation
  • Creating ViewComponents to display Navigation and Sidebar area in Layout file
  • Restricting permissions & functionality to admin role users only using Authroize attribute

Benefits you will receive

Video Recordings

All live training sessions will be recorded so that student can watch all the training videos for future reference.

Full Source Code

Everything will be explained practically with full source code. After every session, student will receive entire source code files for future reference via DropBox.

Live Interaction

Student can interact with the faculty directly with a Microphone. All sessions will be conducted using Zoom.

Course Certificate

After completing a training student will receive a course completion certificate with a verified url.

Cost Effective

Greener and cost effective. Helps you to avoid commuting. More interactive and greater ability to concentrate from the comfort of your own home.

One-on-One Learning Experience

All training sessions will be one-on-one between the faculty and the participant for a richer learning experience.

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